Our team members are friendly, professional and highly confident at their jobs. They are always very personable in their attention to detail when it comes to your care. Get to know each one before your visit with our dentist, Dr. Michael King. Be sure to call us at 919-781-8984 to schedule your dental care in Raleigh, North Carolina, at Red Oak Dentistry.

Office Manager
Terri is from Raleigh, NC, and has been in the dental field for over 25 years. Her background includes management, insurance and comprehensive treatment planning. She enjoys making sure each patient has a pleasant dental experience. Her hobbies include cooking, reading and traveling with her two daughters.

Dental Hygienist
Bianca is from Reidsville, NC, and graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in dental hygiene. She has a very soothing demeanor and wants to ensure all patients have a pleasant experience. In her free time, Bianca enjoys yoga, gardening, dancing, traveling and spending time with her husband and three dogs.

Dental Assistant
Monika was born in Poland and raised in Germany. She graduated from Dental Assistant School in 2001. Monika enjoys getting to know patients and loves taking care of them. When she is not at work, she enjoys spending time with her twins, going to the gym and thriving.